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Candidate Experience Areas


Career Website

Career Website.png

The Career Website is the heart of the candidate experience. The majority of candidates take time to browse and learn more about your company here, so it’s an opportunity to showcase your organization and stand out.

Even though it is so important, many career websites lack the important information that candidates are searching for. This often results in individuals deciding not to apply for a job after being on the career website. Employers are risking losing the ideal candidates because of this.

Potentialpark’s Talent Communication Solutions can provide you with insights about the Career Website that can help you avoid these mistakes.


Applying Online


The process of Applying Online - from seeing a job ad to submitting an application - is revealing for candidates and crucial for employers hoping to secure the right talent. A companies’ applicant tracking system (ATS) should streamline the recruitment process and enable employers to learn all they want to know about candidates.

But many candidates express frustrations with the length or difficulty of applications. Therefore, employers need to strike the right balance when implementing their ATS.

Potentialpark can help you find this balance by providing information about successful applying online processes, helping you to understand what can cause talent to dropout of the process, and how to ensure you and your provider are keeping up with the latest developments.


Social Media


The growth of Social Media in our everyday lives has changed recruitment for good. It has become one of the most important ways for employers to attract and nurture candidates. Successful career-focused Social Media channels can provide unique insights about the company and its culture, whilst also actively engaging with talent. Candidates can also use these channels to present themselves throughout the recruitment process. Therefore, producing great Social Media communication is essential, but it can be quite challenging.

Potentialpark is experienced in providing direction for your team’s Social Media efforts to ensure you are interacting with talent in the best way possible.



Mobile devices have transformed the way we consume information and interact with the rest of the world. As a result of this, the majority of candidates use their mobile activities throughout the candidate journey. Employers undoubtedly need to ensure that their communication channels can be accessed properly on mobile.

With Potentialpark’s actionable data, you can take informed decisions to optimize your communication strategies in this area.