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Talent Experience Report


‘How can I present information on my career website in the most appealing way?

Is our social media strategy delivering the message that we want it to?'

Get the answers to questions like these in the form of direct feedback from candidates with the Talent Experience Report.

This report is based on the results of a qualitative review of your career channels by a panel of candidates. Step-by-step they will explore and test your communication channels and provide valuable feedback. The comprehensive Report that you will receive includes the results of the qualitative review combined with Potentialpark’s expert analysis.

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Why do you need the Talent Experience Report?

The Talent Communication Report can give you the WHAT, but we also provide the HOW.

The Talent Experience Report provides the HOW by bringing you the direct and honest voice of the candidates. The analysis of your employer branding effect and the candidate experience - compared to benchmark competitors and with best practice examples - provides you with clear direction for any improvements. The Potentialpark team supports you through the customization and delivery of this Report.

Some examples of what the Report will contain:

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What’s in the Report?

Assessment of your current Talent Communication by candidates

Benchmark with your Competitors

Best Practices

What Type of Report can you get?

Languages - English, German, and French

Topics - Social Media, Career Website, Applying Online

Who can get the Report?

All employers who want to improve their candidate experience journey!


To talk to us about analyzing your Talent Experience: