Press Release

Results Release Asia 2020

Results Release Asia 2020

The recruitment climate is changing

The recruitment climate is increasingly data driven and digitalized. While employers have access to more data than ever before to guide their process of recruitment, they face strong challenges in differentiating themselves as attractive employers because candidates have far more power than before. Candidates can seek jobs not only locally but also cross regions. They have more possibilities to peek behind the walls to see what it is really like to work in a company. The implementation of new technologies in recruitment also awaken reactions from the candidates, especially among the younger generations.

Results Release US 2020

Results Release US 2020

Is there Light at the end of the recruitment funnel?

The recruitment climate is shifting at an accelerated pace, as both employers and candidates have more access to data about each other than ever before. While candidates seek a place of belonging and authenticity in society, companies struggle to differentiate themselves as attractive employers with unique value propositions. Technological advancements in the field of recruitment continue to push boundaries, while also awakening reactions from the candidates, who need both the efficiency of robots and the effectiveness of human touch in communication.

Results Release France 2020

Results Release France 2020

Un climat en évolution : Une tempête attisée entre les candidats, les nouvelles technologies et la marque employeur

Comme les employeurs et les candidats ont davantage accès à l’information et aux données, la conjoncture du recrutement évolue à un rythme accéléré. Les entreprises peinent à se différencier et à proposer une valeur unique du fait des attentes des candidats. Ces derniers sont exigeants et sont en quête d’authenticité et d’appartenance. Ils ne veulent pas juste un travail, ils veulent vivre une expérience.